Title: just a chance Fandom: Animorphs Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: post-54 Pairings: Rachel/Tobias Rating: PG Wordcount: 255 Point of view: third Prompt: Animorphs, Tobias, advice for his past self
Title: hope Fandom: Supernatural Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: pre-pilot Pairings: John/Mary Rating: PG Wordcount: 100 Point of view: third Prompt: Supernatural, John & Mary (Dean), they each had different expectations for their first born son
Title: lived in Fandom: Marvel movies Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: post-WS by about two years; total fluff with just a hint of angst Pairings: none Rating: PG Wordcount: 250 Point of view: third Prompt: any, any, bickering over minor household disagreements (toothpaste cap being left off, whether it's necessary t make the bed, etc.)
Title: just like Mama made Fandom: 3rd Rock from the Sun Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: future!fic Pairings: Big Giant Head/Mrs. Big Giant Head, mentions of Dick/Mary & Sally/Don Rating: PG Wordcount: 210 Point of view: third Prompt: peanut butter
Title: highway Fandom: Supernatural Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: spoilers for season 5 Pairings: none Rating: PG Wordcount: 60 Point of view: third Prompt: Impala & author's choice, Where the road meets sky
Title: just like band-aids on bruises Fandom: Supernatural/Batman: Under the Red Hood Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: spoilers for Supernatural and the movie Pairings: none Rating: PG Wordcount: 140 Point of view: third ( There’s someone else inside him. )
Title: feline admissions Fandom: Supernatural Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: takes place in season 1 Pairings: none stated Rating: PG Wordcount: 180 Point of view: third Prompt: LSU Notes: see this for an explanation and this for fun